WE ARE on offense

A lot of folks are focused on a football field in Florida right now. But we’d like to reroute your attention to Illinois cornfields. Our goals are to show you how Illinois corn farmers are always innovating, reducing our environmental impact and powering the state’s economy, all while feeding more people.

A lot of folks are focused on a football field in Florida right now. But we’d like to reroute your attention to Illinois cornfields. Our goals are to show you how Illinois corn farmers are always innovating, reducing our environmental impact and powering the state’s economy, all while feeding more people.

Illinois corn farmers.

We Are

Illinois corn farmers.

Our farm families span generations, and we’re always looking ahead.

We’re constantly finding ways to farm more sustainably and with new technologies that protect our environment and our way of life.

With 96% of our farms still family owned and operated, we’ve got plenty of skin in the game.

We’re proud to grow the food that nourishes our families – and yours.

growing innovation.


growing innovation.

Everything that can be made from a barrel of petroleum can also be made from corn oil – like bioplastics that biodegrade naturally, food packaging, even clothing.

Our corn winds up in an amazing array of products, from tennis shoes to medicines to award-winning whiskey (also considered “medicine” in certain circles).

Corn is used to make ethanol, a renewable fuel that leaves the air cleaner for all of us by reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions by 43%.

So, anything oil can do corn can do better. And unlike petroleum, corn is a renewable resource. That’s better for all of us.

driving the Illinois economy.


driving the Illinois economy.

Growing and processing our corn adds $17.5 billion to the state’s economy every year.

More than 100,000 Illinoisans have jobs thanks to corn.

Corn is the No. 1 crop grown in Illinois, and we export nearly half our corn crop every year to feed a growing world.

This might surprise you, but agriculture aids both rural and urban economies in Illinois. Rural communities benefit from growing corn, and urban areas benefit from processing and manufacturing.

invested caretakers of the earth.


invested caretakers of the earth.

As farmers, we make a living from the land – and live where we work – so caring for the soil, air and water is part of our DNA.

It takes healthy soils to grow quality food, feed and fuel. We’re using farming practices that actually makes soil healthier.

From a purely selfish perspective, we’d love for our children and grandchildren to continue working the land. That’s another reason long-term sustainability is critical, because someday our children will be feeding your children.

We respect and protect the environment because we need Illinois’ fertile farmland to feed all of us for generations to come.

proud to feed farm animals (and people).


proud to feed farm animals (and people).

Corn is energy-rich, nutritious – and storable – so it’s available for farm animals all year round.

Our corn is used in the feed that keeps cows, chickens, turkeys and pigs healthy and well-fed.

That, in turn, helps keep meat, milk and eggsaffordable for all our families.

We’re big fans of giving all consumers choices. For 96% of you who enjoy a nice cut of meat, we’re here for you. And for the 3% to 4% of people who are vegan/vegetarian, enjoy a veggie taco in an amazing corn tortilla.