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Lou Lamoreux

Lou Lamoreux

Lanark, IL


Lou Lamoreux

Farming for the future

It all comes back to the soil. Producing quality food requires healthy soil. And sustaining my farm for future generations – specifically my seven grandchildren – requires healthy soil. So, I do whatever I can for future generations to thrive here and help feed the world.

It’s a regenerative process

I would explain regenerative agriculture as trying to “put back” as much as you’re taking out of the soil, or more. As a farmer, I have a unique opportunity to help regenerate, or rebuild, the soil so we have quality soil for years to come. That’s part of the reason for the livestock on my farm, it gives us something to put back. Manure is a natural byproduct from our cattle that puts nutrients back into the soil. In my opinion, there are regenerative qualities of that manure that just can’t be bought.

There’s no better place than Illinois

We have some of the most fertile soil in the world, right here in Illinois. It’s our state’s most valuable resource, so I want to help preserve our rich soil and its rich history. Generations ago, the majority of the state was all prairie lands. As the story goes, the prairie grass was taller than a man on a horse. Each fall, when the grass would lay down, die, and decompose, it provided years and years of nutrients, building up in the soil, and creating the rich black resource we know and love today on Illinois farms.

Soil health is ultimately the most important thing we’ve got to maintain. It comes down to the fact that we must have good soil to produce good food. And as long as consumers are looking for a good product, we plan to provide it.